Basic Modules

These are the basic building blocks or core modules which are essential for any other modules of the ERP to function. It has the organizational settings, and management of student data and staff data.

Core ERP Module -

This is the TechEzy framework, which is the foundation above which all the other modules are built, for ensuring extensibility and scalability for the solution. It has the following features:

  • To specify the structure of the organization, the levels/programs and courses offered, eligibility, along with their identification code and affiliation details
  • Set the logos and stationary headers for printing of reports, vouchers etc Has the provision to create multiple types of institutions and theiradministrators, super-users, users.
  • To set the role-based access control for users to control access to different modules, forms, reports, settings
  • The settings, color scheme preferences, dashboard, bookmarks etc
  • Audit info for most of the transactions stored in DB, the logs files can be created for specific processes as per need of audit trials

Student Profile -

  • Student application processing, approval, registration, generate ID card, division allocation, promotion and with-drawl (TC)/ bonafide certificate
  • Flexible to configure the registration form and the complete profile of a student
  • Roll Number configurable to any alpha numeric series
  • The settings, color scheme preferences, dashboard, bookmarks etc
  • XL import option is available as one time migration, with data validation to some extent

Staff Profile-

Apply online and filter and short list candidates. Issue Appointment letter of recruited staff.

  • Registration of staff who are recruited using most of online submitted data
  • Make/Print the ID cards for the staff
  • Staff profile with exhaustive number of fields to include past job history, application, selection process, academics, health, photograph, remunerations, withdrawal (resignation) etc. which are configurable
  • Maintenance of staff service records, probation period and seniority list
  • Promotion, Withdrawal and Transfer of staff